Children's bodies grow and develop to fit the posture that they are most often sat with, the spine begins to form and fuse posture patterns from around 7 years of age. This is why choosing school furniture that encourages the correct posture for children is crucial.
Who is Edgar 'E' Gore?
Edgar E. Gore is a quirky, somewhat awkward character from the Tim Burton film Frankenweenie. He is Victor Frankenstein’s strange, socially awkward classmate and has a distinctive, hunchbacked look with prominent bug eyes and jagged teeth, setting him apart from the other kids in their class.

What condition does Edgar have?
Edgar suffers from Kyphosis, the medical term for a hunchback, or abnormal curvature of the spine. This can be caused by poor posture during childhood such as slouching and leaning back in chairs.
To aid correct posture and avoid developing Kyphosis children should sit with:
A straight extended back
Feet flat on the floor
Ankles, knees and hips all at a 90-degree angle.
Spaceforme products are designed to encourage proper posture for their users and we would have loved to see the difference in Edgar's posture if he spent his days seated on one of our en classic chairs (pictured above).

The en classic seat is ergonomically designed to provide excellent lumbar support which helps to maintain the natural curvature of the spine, reducing the risk of back pain when seated for long periods. The frame of the en classic has been expertly designed to eliminate tilting.